Monday, 8 August 2016

car drivers are idiots

First of all, if I offend anyone, well tough really, these are my personal views, you don't have to agree, and if you don't like them you can stop reading.

I suppose I need to start by pointing out that due to an eye condition I don't, nor have ever, been a car driver, this puts me in a unique position as a constantly pissed off pedestrian.
Over my life I have seen a huge increase in car ownership, and as a consequence increased traffic, increased parking issues and increased stupidity.
Part of me understands the way car drivers behave, but that is in no way me making excuses for any of them. I must further point out that I believe most of my grievances are directed towards a certain type of driver of certain vehicles, this tends to include BMW drivers. Audi drivers, white van man, delivery drivers and post office Vans and trucks.
It seems that this group of people seem to think the law does not apply to them, for whatever reason they consider themselves above the Law I should also perhaps mention security vans who while I appreciate may need to get very close to a bank or somewhere else where they are collecting money seem to be quite happy blocking pavements and generally obstructing the highway I did on one occasion  mention this to a security guy, unfortunately the response is unprintable.
On the subject of the law, as far as I can establish this seems to be up to individual police forces and local authority rules which seem to vary all over the country, it does seem however that if a vehicle is blocking the highway the police will intervene, and, I have seen it where a police officer has suggested the vehicle move from blocking the road and to sit on the pavement, completely obstructing the pavement giving no thought to pedestrians that may need to pass by,

I have many issues with the car driver, (not all of them, I am generalizing)
First has to be the inability to park in a sensible and considerate way, the car driver when parking becomes a selfish and lazy entity, often parking in such a way as to block driveways, block oncoming traffic and worst of all block pedestrians from walking safely. This includes forcing parents with pushchair on to the road,wheelchairs etc to struggle to get past, and generally being a complete and utter nuisance.

Let's consider pavements, it seems drivers think pavements, paths, sidewalls whatever you choose to call them, are these days considered as extra parking bays.

Laziness appears to be a key Factor certainly with Audi & BMW drivers I think the case with delivery drivers is more lack of brain than anything else. I once saw a delivery driver stop in the middle of the road and hold up the traffic while he delivered a parcel , I understand he's probably on a time limit but perhaps someone with this limited brain capacity should not have be an employed as a driver.

As a perpetual pedestrian I see all these problems on a daily basis, most people are immune and even a car driver that does the occasional walk is probably just doing the final bit into work, they don't see what some of us see and despair of frequently.

Parking on the path either completely or with two wheels up on the pavement may seem sensible to the car driver as they are not blocking the road but they seem to have no inclination as to the inconvenience and hassle they are potentially causing to the pedestrian.
I have on many occasions had no choice but to almost remove a wing mirror as I pass by, I openly admit that I have caused criminal damage to cars in the past by Simply trying to walk my way to where I am going. And as long as these t**** continue I also will continue with no intent to damage cars.

The other issue with parking on the pavement is the damage it causes. Councils are cash strapped as we know, and have had to make cut-backs, so the repairs they have to do when  you crack the pavement because you are too lazy to walk an extra ten feet, are done in a sub-standard way, so do not work, I then might trip over on the pavement, sue the council, so your council tax may have to go up, you stupid twat.

Parking on the path is just one issue, the list goes on.
My next grievance is with the car manufacturers who don't fit indicators to BMW's, Audi's , delivery drivers and post office vehicles.
As a pedestrian this is a life-threatening decision not to have an indicator perhaps these vehicles are fitted with indicators but the tw**s that drive them either don't use or don't know how to use them.
As someone who is often a passenger in a car I know that the lack of indication by this group of people is also an irritation and a danger to other car drivers as well as the pedestrians,
I remember one instance where I was teaching one of my young children how to cross the road and general Road etiquette we looked to our right and left and then to our right again there was indeed a car approaching the roundabout to our right on the right-hand turn but with no indication my presumption was that they were going straight on incorrect, they turned left just as me and my young child stepped onto the road the car obviously had to come to an abrupt halt the lady driving also had a young child in the car she was not happy with me, I explained that I was trying to teach my child how to cross the road and the fact that she didn't indicate was not very helpful, her reply considering she had a child in the car was quite rude I decided not to continue the conversation when I realised she was driving a BMW.

There are of course many other issues such as not stopping at pelican crossings ,zebra crossings or jumping traffic lights.
The pedestrian of course are not always the innocent party and many stupid people walk the pavements of Britain, that said, my biggest irritations in life is the ignorant car driver.

BMW - Hairdresser, Drug Dealer, man in his 30's who thinks he's cool. (no indicators installed)
Audi - More money than sense (no indicators installed)
Citroen - I cant afford a proper car
Vauxhall, Peugeot, Renault & Ford - Normal family people

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